Celestial Bloodshed
Norwegian black metal band formed in 2000, in Trondheim. The band ended when Steingrim Torson (Vocals) was shot dead on the night of April 30/May 1, 2009 in Trondheim. Celestial Bloodshed shared members with other Nidrosian black metal bands such as Mare, Kaosritual and One Tail, One Head.
3 members
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Celestial Bloodshed
Norwegian black metal band formed in 2000, in Trondheim. The band ended when Steingrim Torson (Vocals) was shot dead on the night of April 30/May 1, 2009 in Trondheim. Celestial Bloodshed shared members with other Nidrosian black metal bands such as Mare, Kaosritual and One Tail, One Head.
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